Uniquely Qualified Conference in Charlotte, NC
I recently spoke at the Uniquely Qualified Conference in Charlotte, NC. I wanted to do a quick post and share this clip that a friend of mine recorded. The one thing that will always stick out to me about this particular event is what one woman described as the "unbelievable caliber of love between the women".
Ladies, we are stronger together!!! There is no room for jealousy or competition! The founder of this conference, Jacinda Jabobs, and I both share the same vision: helping women to embrace their God-given purpose. God brought us together for a reason...to help us build His kingdom, not our own reputations.
I encourage any woman reading this to embrace other "like-minded" women around you and do something big for Him during this season! He NEEDS each of you to join hands, link arms and lift the world up to a new caliber of love!
Fun photo opps!
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