Interview on the Today's Living Hope Show About My New Book

todays living hope

todays living hope


I had the privilege of being on the Today's Living Hope show with Linda Penn to talk about my brand new book, Make Room: take control of your space, time, energy, and money to live on purpose. As always it was so much fun chatting with Linda.  Enjoy the show!


Stuff! We have too much of it. Clothing, kitchen gadgets, electronics, home decor, and more. More of it arrives at our homes all the time, and it takes up an incredible amount of our space, energy, time, and money. But do all these possessions truly make us happier? Certified professional organizer and bestselling author, Jennifer Ford Berry says no.


True joy is found in knowing and living out our purpose rather than in living for our stuff. Host Linda Penn and Jennifer will talk about how to have a more meaningful and intentional life by defining your purpose, planning your time, decluttering your home, and much more.

Do you want to create an organized home and a purposeful life? Do you want more STEM (space, time, energy and money)?

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