Seeing God's Plan: Laura Dudek's Journey to Purpose

faith purpose spirituality

In this episode, Jennifer speaks with Author, Speaker, and Minister Laura Dudek.  Laura has written several amazing bible studies including her newest study called Written: Captivating & Cultivating The Blueprint Of Your Dream!

Episode Talking Points:

* Why Laura wrote the bible study: Written.

* You may feel like you are behind in going after your dream but God wants you to know that you are already on the journey to achieving your dreams you just need the eyes to see it.

* Are you blind to what God is trying to do with your life?

* God can show you little seeds that have been planted throughout your life pointing toward the dreams he gave you!

* Find out how God has already equipped you to fulfill your dream.

* Make a list of 5 things you can do right now!

* We always want to know how the deep the water is before we jump in but sometimes it is time to just jump in!

* It's completely OK to be a little messy and imperfect.

* It is not about the "quick" it's about the "lasting".

* The mimic seasons of your life.


Written: Capturing + Cultivating the Blueprint of Your Dream

About Laura Dudek

Growing up in church, I have had a relationship with Jesus Christ for as long as I can remember.  Being raised in the pews, I frequented religious education classes, youth groups, and many youth conferences. I loved Jesus since my earliest memories.  But there came a point in my story when I struggled to see how my faith in Christ actually intersected the reality of my life. There was this very heavy battle that I faced with insecurity and fear of rejection and imperfection. That battle led me in my young adult years through a vast wilderness, chasing after things I thought would fill this craving for freedom in my heart.  I ached for something more to my faith than just going to church on Sunday and going to a conference to ‘meet Jesus.’ In that ache, I pursued the wrong things: relationships, body image, and perfectionism, to name a few.  As I walked deeper and deeper into my wilderness, the Lord, one by one, stripped my heart of things that were holding me back from experiencing the fullness of his love. I came to the end of myself in that wilderness time.   It was painful, and I was a mess in the pit of my own valley, covered in dirt and facedown waiting to sense some sort of hope that life could turn around. But in that place, I met the living God.

In my story, I have witnessed God restore hope, build wholeness, and redeem love. He is truly a God that longs to be in relationship with us, and to this life alongside us.  God has shown up countless times to draw me in closer, speak loving truth, and watch me blossom in courage and freedom. 

A redeemed life starts with a spark of hope that things can change- that life can come from a seemingly dead valley.  My passion is to ignite hope in your story- to encourage your soul to believe that there is Savior who can rescue you from your valley and restore everything that was once stolen; to inspire courage for you to embrace every aspect of your entire story.  Every piece of your storyline is written and lived intentionally- every part holds purpose in the kingdom of God, and God will turn every heartbreak into a song that will sing of praise and hope to the world around you.  And my hope is to speak life over your heart and empower you to do the same for others.

My dream for this generation is to for all women, teenagers, young adults, and women rich in years to rise up as a vast army- full with freedom, propelled by love, and power through the Holy Spirit with holy confidence and strength.  May this ministry prompt you with hope that you can rise again.  May it inspire courage for you to embrace and own your whole story.  May it encourage you to allow the Spirit of God to so move your soul that you are compelled to stand up and be light in this dark world. It is when we find our life in Jesus that His truth emboldens us to be secure, confident, and strong women who take their place in the great adventure with Him who called us.

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