77 | Makeup Artist and Author Lauren Vena

Most moms have questioned themselves during their parenting journey. Some days it leads to feeling defeated, while other days, it can lead to life-changing breakthroughs. Today Jennifer welcomes Lauren Vena. A makeup artist turned children's author, who turned a bad morning into a literary journey. She talks about how she gets through the tough times, how she juggles it all, and shares her inexpensive makeup tips for the moms who may have taken a makeup hiatus in 2020.

About Lauren Vena

Lauren Vena is an author and has been a professional Makeup Artist for 20 years, but her proudest accomplishments consist of being a Wife & Mother.
Sometimes managing everyday life, work, trying to keep up with a social life, (and let’s not forget my 2 fur babies!) makes us moms think, "are we doing the best?"
When Lauren doubts herself, she likes to put a little comedy behind the situation. After all, laughter is the best medicine. No matter what, remember our kids love us just as we are!
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