57 | How to Organize Your Family Room {organize now challenge}

How to Organize Your Family Room: Your family room should be a place where you can relax, read, watch TV or spend time with family and friends. It is very important that everything has a designated home so that cleanup is quick and easy and you can be ready for company in fifteen minutes or less.

Episode Talking Points:

1. Decide the functions of your family room. This isn’t complicated; simply list all the things you do in this room. Possible functions include a gathering place, a play area for children, a work area for you, a place to watch television or read, a place to exercise. There are no wrong answers. It’s your house; use it in a way that best suits your lifestyle. 

2. Remove everything that does not go along with the function of the room.  Grab a laundry basket, a garbage bag, and a plastic bin and remove everything that does not serve the function of the family room.

3. Sort through shelves, drawers, and furniture and remove everything that you no longer love or use.  Set up piles labeled: donate, sell, and garbage.

4. Clear off the coffee table and end tables. Do not leave more than a few books or magazines, coasters and maybe a decoration on the tables.

5. Designate one spot for the TV remote control so you can always find it. You could use a basket, drawer or a pocket organizer that can hang over the arm of the sofa.&

6. Break the room down into zones based on the function of the room. These zones will become “home” for the things you use in the room. So toys and games go in one area, books go in another, movies go in another, work goes in another. Each zone should have its own shelving or furniture with built-in storage to hold or hide these items.

7. Replace dirty or non-matching lamp shades. This will improve the quality of lighting and improve the appearance of the room.

8. Unclutter your walls. Takedown everything and then only put back your very favorite things.

9. Keep one basket for magazines and newspapers. Keep only the current issues and recycle the rest.

10. Clear off the mantel if you have one. This is probably a focal point of the room so clean it off and only replace a few of your favorite items.

organize your family room For more tips on how to organize your family room go to Week 21 in my book Organize Now: a week-by-week guide to simplify your space and your life


Important Links For This Episode:

•Episode 15: Organize Your Kitchen Cupboards

Episode 17: Organize Your Kitchen Drawers

•Episode 19: Organize Your Pantry

Paper Purge Project


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