Your Enneagram Can Determine Your Organizing Habits with Laurie Palau (Ep 152)
In this episode of the Make Room Podcast with Jennifer Ford Berry, we discuss the fascinating world of Enneagram Personality Types and how they can affect your organizing habits with guest Laurie Palau. If you're someone who struggles to keep your space tidy and organized, or you're constantly battling clutter and chaos, this episode is for you.
Whether you're a perfectionist who can't bear to part with anything, a people-pleaser who struggles to set boundaries, or a creative type who is easily distracted, you'll gain valuable insights and learn practical strategies for getting organized.
We'll also discuss how understanding your enneagram type can affect your communication. You'll learn how to recognize the organizing habits of those around you and how to work together more effectively to create a more harmonious and organized environment.
So if you're ready to dive deep into the world of enneagram personality types and discover how they affect your organizing habits, tune in to this thought-provoking episode. You won't want to miss it!
How Your Enneagram Type Can Shape Your Organizing Habits
Understanding your personal tendencies can transform how you tackle everyday challenges, including keeping your space organized. If you've ever struggled with clutter or felt overwhelmed by the chaos, your Enneagram personality type might hold the key to creating a system that works for you. Let’s explore how this insightful tool can guide your organizing style and even enhance communication with others in your home or workplace.
Define Your Organizing Goals
Before diving into tips and strategies, it’s essential to know what you’re striving for. Do you want perfectly styled, color-coordinated bins, or do you just want to stop losing your keys every day? Both goals are valid, and understanding what you really need from an organizational system makes it much easier to find an approach that works for you.
Many people feel the effects of clutter but struggle to explain how it impacts them. This is where language comes in—finding words to describe what you want or how your space makes you feel can help bridge the gap between frustration and action. Whether you're working solo or with a professional organizer, clarity in your goals is a great first step.
Be True to Your Style
If you’re a professional organizer, here’s an important reminder: stay true to your style. Trying to mimic others will only take you so far. Each organizer has a unique way of working, and that individuality is what attracts the right clients.
Some organizers specialize in helping busy moms juggle family chaos. Others focus on decluttering for elderly clients or even tackling extreme cases, like hoarding. Whatever your strength is, own it—there’s a niche for every skill set, and your authentic approach will connect you to people who need exactly what you offer.
The Connection Between Enneagram and Organization
The Enneagram system, which categorizes personalities into nine different types, can provide actionable insights for improving your organizing habits. Whether you're driven by logic, emotions, or gut reactions, your Enneagram type often reflects the strategies that work best for you. Here's a quick breakdown:
- Head Types (Types 5, 6, 7): You process the world through analysis and thought. A functional, well-labeled system might appeal to you because it keeps you from mental overwhelm.
- Heart Types (Types 2, 3, 4): You rely on emotion and often feel pulled to make spaces warm and inviting. Sentimental clutter may be your challenge, so strategies that preserve memories without keeping every single item are key.
- Gut Types (Types 8, 9, 1): You operate on instinct and often seek structure. Clear routines and defined spaces can fuel your sense of balance and control.
Your Enneagram type isn’t just a framework for understanding yourself—it can also improve how you work with family, roommates, or coworkers. Knowing their personality types helps you tailor communication and set boundaries in ways they’ll respond to.
Why Clutter Leads to Conflict
Clutter isn’t just about messy countertops or overstuffed drawers. For many, it creates emotional tension and can even lead to arguments. How often do disputes arise because someone can’t find their keys or clean socks in the morning? It’s not just about stuff—it’s about stress and miscommunication.
If you live with someone who organizes differently, understanding their needs, frustrations, and working styles can reduce arguments. The Enneagram helps here, giving you a framework to interpret why they handle things the way they do and how you can find common ground.
Communicating With Grace
If you’ve ever felt like a neat freak, or maybe the opposite, misunderstood for your more relaxed approach, you’re not alone. Communication is key to avoiding tension, especially if different household members have different levels of tolerance for clutter.
When explaining your feelings about your space (or listening to someone else’s), try to focus on how the environment makes you feel rather than pointing fingers. For example, instead of, “You always leave a mess,” try, “I feel calmer when the counters are clear.” This shift in language can encourage teamwork rather than defensiveness.
Embrace Your Version of Organization
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Whether you’re a super-organized, Container Store enthusiast or someone just aiming for a bit of daily tidiness, what matters is that your system works for you. Comparing yourself to others isn’t helpful. Your home or workspace doesn’t have to look Instagram-perfect unless that’s your goal.
Professional organizers often see this with clients—they want their homes to look like they belong on a magazine cover. For others, they simply need to find their car keys without stress. Both outcomes matter as long as they create comfort and function for the individual.
Final Thoughts
Knowing your Enneagram type can unlock powerful insights into your organizing habits. Whether you’re sorting through years of clutter or just trying to communicate better with a loved one about tidiness, this tool can bring a refreshing sense of clarity. Focus on your goals, understand your needs, and, most importantly, embrace your unique organizing style.
Your space should serve you, not the other way around. With a little self-awareness, some honest communication, and a system that matches your personality, you can create a home or workspace that’s both functional and peaceful.
Laurie Palau is the author of the book HOT MESS: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO GETTING ORGANIZED, host of the popular weekly podcast, This ORGANIZED Life, and founder of Simply B Organized-a lifestyle company helping people live simply and work smarter. Her advice has been featured in national publications including Real Simple & The New York Times and can be found as a frequent guest on other podcasts. She speaks, teaches, and writes on the topics of clutter, the enneagram, and entrepreneurship.
Laurie’s other passion is helping to support women entrepreneurs. Through her SBO Partner Program, she offers group and individual mentorship to folks who are looking for guidance and strategies to start, run, or grow their Professional Organizing business. A self-described homebody and coffee lover, Laurie lives with her husband Josh, 2 grown-ish daughters, and dog, Jeter in small river town in Bucks County, PA (mid-way between New York and Philadelphia-yes we are a house divided in sports!)
Find Laurie!
Email: [email protected] Website: Instagram: @thisorganizedlifepodcast Facebook: This ORGANIZED Life Podcast; Simply B Organized
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