with this 8-week group intensive diving deep into:

Productivity. Organization. Wealth. Energy. Relationships.


One small opening can unleash a power you never knew existed.



You are part of a power source much bigger than yourself.  This source sent you here to share your specific gifts, skills, and personality.  Much like the ocean your power can send ripples out into the world. Much like the sun your power can shine light on anyone that comes in contact with it.

You may not know how to plug into this power but that can all change today.  All it takes is one decision to learn.

We judge everyone who has the power we want. But if we stopped wasting our thoughts and feelings on that judgment and used it on developing our power things would start to change, BIG TIME!

Power is not knowledge it is potential.

Power changes the world.









POWER is normally a 6-month 1:1 mentorship program costing $10,000.  However, I have decided to offer this program as an 8-week group intensive.  I am excited to share this transformational process with you!

→1 personal coaching session with Jennifer before the group coaching begins.

→One live group coaching session every week for 8 weeks.

→Voxer access to Jennifer.


→Access to a community of like-minded women.

8 Week Group Intensive


Jennifer will take you on a deep dive into the 5 foundations you need in your life in order to plug into your full POWER: Productivity, Organization, Wealth, Energy, and Relationships during the live group coaching sessions. There will be time for Q&A at the end of each session. This is a safe place where everyone works on their own journey.

Before each group session, you’ll get a "prework" prompt. This will help your thoughts flow. Then when you come to the session, you’ll be ready to share what came up for you. Most women find it powerful to learn that others are having similar struggles and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves amongst the clutter of their lives.

I can’t wait to connect and grow with you!


Most would describe me as a mother, wife, author and serial entrepreneur. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

I believe all of us were sent here with a specific purpose to fulfil.  I also believe that in order to fulfill that purpose you must first learn how to plug into your POWER.  If you can do that you will be unstoppable.  Your life will take on new meaning and you will wake up every day excited to share your purpose with the world!  So, let's go for it unapologetically and never look back.

Join me on the most exciting wave of your life!

"Jennifer's strategy has changed my life!  I went from overwhelmed and unfulfilled to building a business I love and creating a home that is easy to maintain. "

"Jennifer's organizational skills improved my home immensely. But her coaching has helped me remove the inner thoughts that have kept me stuck for years. I now live with intention and purpose every day! "


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:



2 monthly payments

  • 45-minute 1:1 session with Jennifer
  • 1 weekly group coaching call
  • Printable worksheets
  • Membership to the FOCUS community
  • Live Voxer support



Save $224

  • 45-minute 1:1 session with Jennifer
  • 1 weekly group coaching call
  • Printable worksheets
  • Membership to the FOCUS community
  • Live Voxer support


If do not see any results after attending all the group sessions and doing the homework, let us know within the first 30 days for a full refund. No questions asked.