Are you ready to be a Power House?
It's time to attract more POWER into your house and your life!
Productivity, Organization, Wealth, Energy and Relationships.
You have been feeling discontented for a while now. You love your family but you're overwhelmed with everything that comes with managing a family and a home. Yep, I totally get it.
You want to be more productive and organized but you just don't know where to start. If you could just get everything in order maybe then the house would be easier to maintain and you could focus on that big dream that you have. You know the one that would improve your life, give you purpose, AND make you money.
You just want to work with someone that has been down this road so they can help you tap into your POWER once again.

You have unlimited POWER you just have to plug it in!
In order to access your power you must first make the choice to do so.

In The Next 6 Months, You Could…
- Get more done in less time by learning how to be less busy and more productive.
- Feel lighter, more free and less overwhelmed.
- Have your entire home organized and easy to maintain.
- Create more wealth than you ever thought possible just by living out your purpose.
- Be free of the mental, emotional, and relationship clutter that has kept you stuck.
- Feel energized and excited about experiencing life with the people that matter the most.
Yes, It Really Is Possible!
A simple decision could give birth to a life you never thought you'd have.
A 6-month mentorship program for someone like you who has aggressive goals and is ready for change. If you are looking for a super high-touch program with the highest level of access to a productivity life coach that will allow you to make big shifts fast, I invite you to apply.

You Will Receive:
- 12 intensive one-to-one coaching calls with Jennifer.
- Virtual home consultation to improve your physical space.
- Access to Jennifer between calls through Voxer.
- Instant access to ALL of Jennifer's current and future DIY online programs.
- Entry to the private Created Order Neighborhood online community.
- Opportunity to be interviewed as a guest on Jennifer's podcast for exposure.
With a simple shift in your mindset and some new habits, you could start living the life of your dreams.
I'm Jennifer Ford Berry
I'm Jennifer, an expert at all things related to organization, and productivity. As an entrepreneur, coach, speaker, and writer I am dedicated to helping you plug into your power.
After years of working for big corporations, I found myself feeling bored and discontented. I didn't just want to be someone who went through the motions of living each day I wanted to be intentional about the life, the home, and the family I was creating. I began to eliminate any clutter that was a distraction or holding me back. Then I implemented systems that enabled me to keep everything organized and easy to maintain. As I did this I realized I was not only creating more space in my life but time and energy too!
Without all the distractions I gained more clarity, and was able to realize the dreams that had been buried deep inside of me. These dreams were specifically connected to my purpose: teaching the world that life is not about collecting stuff it's about living out our unique purpose.
One tiny step toward these dreams took me on a 20-year journey of living out a purpose that grew the more I stepped into it: 5 best-selling books, appearances in magazines like Forbes, appearing on radio, and television shows around the country, speaking engagements at places like the Learning Annex, running two successful businesses and also hosting several live events each year! All while managing a home, raising two amazing kids, and falling deeper in love with my husband of 25 years. What is the secret? Intention.
I believe we are all put here on this Earth for a specific purpose. I also believe that you will evolve into the best version of yourself the more you live out that purpose.
I can teach you how to organize anything but what gets me fired up is helping someone tap into their fullest potential. I will help you clear away your clutter, empower you to step into your purpose and teach you how to persevere when it gets tough.
What you’ll learn in POWER House is based on over 20 years of experience, not theory.
I'm your girl if...
- You are READY for change.
- You are tired of playing small.
- You want more organization in your life and less clutter.
- You want to work closely with a coach that will keep you accountable.
- You know you were made for a purpose and want to pursue it more fully.
- You want to leave a legacy for your children.
I'm not your girl if...
- You are not ready to commit to the work it takes to reach your full potential.
- You want the same results you are currently getting.
- You are not willing to try something different.
- You are not willing to imagine new possibilities for your life.
- You're not interested in making an impact with your life.
Are you ready to see what is possible with this level of support?
If interested, please fill out the form to schedule an application call.
During the call, we will discuss your needs and goals, and go over the details of the program. Then you can decide if this program is the right fit for you.
(Or if you are ready to get the conversation started, go ahead and shoot me a DM on Instagram now!).
Application Call
Sign up for a 30-minute application call with Jennifer.